◆ With the installation of TS-1000MT, it enables fleet managers/ truck drivers to set required temperature and humidity for different zones in one trailer/truck to match load requirements. TS-1000MT is a highly efficient refrigeration unit that is most favored by large food manufacturer and distributors for the flexibility it offers.
◆ It is with superior temperature control system. The multi-temperature road transport refrigeration unit covers a full range of temperature set-points desired by both chilled, frozen and perishable loads. The perfect design of the system helps maintain products at appropriate temperature.
controller panel of multi temperature reefer units
◆ The split evaporator and fan design of TS-1000MT create flexibility for panel placement, providing a more efficient accommodation of cargoes.
◆ Electric standby option reduces the consumption of diesel fuel. It enables the normal operation of the refrigeration system while the truck’s parked. To a great extent, it significantly saves fuel and eliminates carbon emissions. The electric shore power can be provided by truck terminals, warehouses, loading docks, grocery stores etc.[!--miaoshu3--]:
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