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Refrigerated Truck Body and TR-450 Reefer Unit for Sale in Africa

May  07,2020
refrigerated truck body
Details of our Africa customer’s requirements
Size of refrigerated truck body: 5m*2.1m*2.1m
Reefer unit model: TR-450
Required temperature: -20℃
Compressor: QP16 compressor
tr-450 reefer unit Africa
Top Picks:
◆ 75mm insulated coldroom panels with excellent waterproof and heat resistant structure, an effectively thermal insulation solution to maintain cold temperature in the refrigerator truck body.
TR-450 freezer unit is a deep frozen system with large refrigeration capacity. The top selling refrigeration system can fast cool down the interior of the truck body to obtain steady-state conditions before the cargoes are loaded.
Model TR-450
Temperature Range In Container -30℃ ~ +30℃ / 0℉ ~ +86℉
Cooling Capacity 0℃ +32℉ 4500 W/ 15354BTU
-20℃ 0℉ 2260 W/ 7848 BTU
◆ Efficient QP compressor, as the heart of the refrigeration system, ensures refrigeration capacity. It perfectly matches with TR-450 reefer unit, and can run continuously for years.
◆ In the meantime, CPR valve is added and installed to the evaporator of TR-450, the function of which is to help the compressor to complete its normal shut down where refrigeration system disruptions are common.
Not all transport refrigeration systems use a CPR valve.


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